Take a look into what I see

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

music is SO good.

You know, it's summer time, for not that much longer, and despite NOT having tickets bought in advance for the warped tour, the brave: roxanne, dave, and i drove 2 and half hours (including a necessary stop to wendy's) all the way to hershey for a GREAT day of music and wild people.

Now i must say, I wish mike and rach could've come, but having said that... it was great to be back in that atmosphere. I know, if you've been to a concert anything like this or even seen PICTURES you may be thinking: what is so great about thousands of sweaty people pushing eachother so they can get closer to the band, whose music is playing loud enough to give you the hearing of a 90 year old after standing there for 5 minutes, when it is 95 degrees outside? (And yes, I did think those things after getting kicked in the head by a crowd surfer.) But aside from that, the experience is amazing. as roxanne put it later in the day "the more you feel like you're gonna die, the better it is." Because see... in today's world, people are scared to get close, people are scared to be up in your face, people are scared to really love something and show it. But when you're at a concert like this, and you love music, the whole world is gonna know, and they're gonna love it with you as you all sing the lines to taking back sunday's new album (which by the way is GREAT.) Yeah people are almost a little too free. While sitting in the traffic to leave, I decided we should get out of the car and do a chinese firedrill- lots of fun exept then we got in the car... and we were stilll sitting in traffic, so i guess it doesnt have the same effect as it does at a traffic light or something. BUT, unlike us, the car in front of us decided it'd be fun to get out of the car and moon everyone. when dave then says "man thats a pasty white ass.... but i guess all asses are that white..."

ahh the smell of freedom. Or was it the smell of BO, or hersheys chocolate? You know, it really doesnt matter, cause music is worth all that. In fact, a concert wouldnt be as fun if there werent hundreds of other people around you jumping up and down at the same exact time. It may be a strange environment, but what the hell- it's enough to make a person feel real good, its enough to forget about what divides people, cause when you step into that crowd, you're one CRAZY family.

hope i'll have more fun times to write about before summer ends! oh god.. why is it ending so SOON! okay, time for dinner, peace- and thanks for reading!


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