Take a look into what I see

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


i was bored today! very bored. i sent out CDs in the mail... I bought milk for my cereal, and I realized there was nothing that urgent to get done... and nothing major that i was struggling with. (if there was something major i'd probably be off in creative world playing guitar to no end or typing away poetry)... instead i sat around, stared at this computer screen, wrote emails, walked around the house, ate chocolate pudding, and kept trying to think of something exciting to do before i go away to college.

so i understand saying "i was bored" doesn't sound like such a news alert, but it really feels like one! and once you get bored you kind of exist in a state of boredness that can't be escaped because if you decide to escape it, you're no longer bored. the problem was the only ways i could think of to escape boredom was to drive to someplace far away and play music, or swim in waterfalls, or.... WHOA!

lol just now on random song play of itunes ben lee's song starts playing-- "do it, whatever it is, whatever it is, just do it"

how cool.

now i'm not as bored because im thinking about this whole issue of boredom, and music helps to stimulate the mind. but really... boredom draws you to do some crazy things. you can either accept boredom and become terribly bland... or else fight it and try a million things til you really feel fulfilled or challenged or STIMULATED!

if i could find someone to drive up to canada next week monday-wednesday, i'd do it. i don't wanna get left behind on the possibilities life holds. sometimes you have to be a little bored to realize that sort of thing. now.. what stimulates your brain? and do those things ultimately perpetuate good things or bad things? and does it matter? or is the only important thing in life to be engaged in it? (comment, that "you" in the question wasn't meant to be rhetorical).

i feel like going to sleep for now... which i guess makes sense cause its sometime after 1 am, though it sort of feels like a continuation of boredom... i'll break out of it soon, even if it does take til i get to school and thrown into a new lifestyle, i'll be all turned upside down, no time to be bored when you're trying to adjust... i don't mind that. i think i like stimulation a lot more than boredom; but you need one to realize the other. the see-saw keeps going! goodnight, let me know if you're up for some good times before aug 23rd, theres so much to do!



Blogger Rachael said...

i wanna go to canada! maybe my parents would let me.. my dad keeps telling me that i would love it cause they just went to niagra falls... hmmmmm!! muaha. i;ll ask. in the meantime, hope for an answer that says yes.

11:16 AM


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