Take a look into what I see

Friday, May 06, 2005

big thoughts in a small head

i'm reading this amazing book "the man who saw the face of god" and it's totally got me lost in lots of philisophical questions. i've underlined things on one out of every 5 pages throughout the whole book because it is just so interesting the life this guy lived that led him to an ever-changing/growing belief system. it's interesting to read about his life, but it makes me anticipate my own life more and more.. like where is it going? whats going on? what do i believe anyway?

i feel lately the inability to be decisive on any type of issue. whether its the morality of ppl drinking/smoking or whether or not christianity is the way, i don't feel like i know enough to draw any type of conclusions about much. sure i have some stances on things, but i feel like as time goes on, i have less and less "stance", and instead i'm letting myself be shaped by my experiences.. which are for the most part under my control. but what does all this mean?

i had AP tests today and the question was quite interesting for the last essay.. it was about people (characters in literature) who inwardly question a lot but outwardly conform.. and in the novels i read, well the internal struggle forged with outward conformity ended in suicide or death for those characters. how sucky.. but it just shows, they couldn't do it, they were too scared to go against the grain, and too idealistic to be happy where they were, so it was constant let down (i'm thinking mostly of that book "the awakening"). but thats like my fear.. not that i'll die or commit suicide, but that i'll be too afraid to go against the grain, too afraid to boldly go where nobody in the family has gone-- the thing is, i dont even know where the place i'm going is.. but for some reason i feel like whatever i choose to do outside the realms of the christain world just isn't okay, when i'd really prefer to see beyond the limitations of religion... into some idea that God is real and huge and in every experience we could have, prayer time aside.

i say big thoughts in a small head because i do also feel quite small.. that if someone were to sit here and fire questions at me i'd have no way of responding, no backbone or reserve or defense. and thats great, because being vulnerable at times is important in life, in order to be open with ppl you have to learn to be vulnerable and i value that. i just got to work in some general direction of development, i guess i've been so concerned with eliminating restrictions and being sure not to judge people that its difficult to discern now.. all i do know is that i don't want my life to be run on some list of do's and dont's set by myself or especially others becaause i feel there is more to life than fulfilling criteria for some ambigous or self-satisfying goal (heaven/to "please god").. i have this hope that maybe pleasing god is achieved through faithfully acknowledging and giving validity to every step of my life down to the most human desires/hopes/fears.. rather than feeling small or inadequate in the downcast view of super-christains.

kind of like the ani difranco song, "what if no ones watching" which sings: "i mean what, what if no ones watching? what if when we're dead, we are just dead? and what, what if god ain't looking down, what if he's looking up instead?.. i can't apologize for everything i know... we have to be able to criticize what we love, say what we have to say, and if you're not trying to make something better than as far as i'm concerned you're just in the way"... well i just love that, esp that last part. so what she's saying is that if "no one was watching" or like counting the wrongs and rights; if there was no god, we would have to rely on ourselves to make anything good happen in the world. so i'm sure there's a way to believe in god and to also take action in this world to see to it to make something better through our own actions. but really... isn't the same thing achieved whether you're ani difranco or a christian missionary? what the heck does it matter if i have all the facts straight, whether i can define god the same way someone else can? is it just to connect with a group of people? and if all people are supposed to be equal, why is it so important which group i identify with?

i think i'd rather connect with individuals.. and their personal interpretations.. than try to conform to a larger mass. maybe my head isn't so small after all, but i'm sure there are people who would inform me otherwise with the facts, its just that i'm not so sure i even want to hear them... unless you want to get to know me, lets not get bogged down with setting standards. i like relationships based on love and acceptance, not some daunting humiliating judgment, i just gotta find my ground and hold on.. or do i even need to define my territory? i feel i've gotten somewhere through just writing this. what a strange thing this whole blog is... it's like making public a conversation to myself! now's when i debate whether or not to hit publish, i guess it's that feeling of "oh no, not everyone will agree with me!" but the truth is.. well the truth is ppl don't always agree and that is a damn good thing that i'll face. right now!


Blogger Rachael said...

you're right jo about humans wanting to connect, which is why we leave comments on these blogs essentially.. so to further the point, i'm in the same boat. the same outward conformity and inward questioning.. but the difference between that question, the books we read, and us is that luckily we ARE connecting to people who are in similar situations. and i guess it could be looked at as a crutch, but i see it as a aide and as encouragement to just do and be what we please.. we're lucky that we've got people going through the same struggle.. it's most likly what brought us together.. and it's what will give us the strength to eventually be okay with stepping away and making a stand by ourselves.

11:33 AM

Blogger Eric said...

You said.."i have this hope that maybe pleasing god is achieved through faithfully acknowledging and giving validity to every step of my life down to the most human desires/hopes/fears.. rather than feeling small or inadequate in the downcast view of super-christains." There is no such thing as a Super-Christian. I know, because I tried to be one. You're right, it can get you down with such high of a standard. We've all sinned and deserve hell. Now there's a group you can identify with! Bites doesn't it. It only takes one lie to become a lier, one stolen item and you are a thief, and on sin to condemn you. Every Christian deserves this as does everyone else. There is no one who is good. No one. We just can't live up to God's standards. Chin up, though! He showed mercy on humanity by sending his son to die for our sins save us from hell. There is great freedom in Christianity! God has given us the power to choose what we can do! We can do what is right or we can do what is wrong. It involves giving your life to Him. Will you be perfect, a super Christian? No. God forgives when you fail him. Ok, I'm sorry I got preachy. I noticed your post and was impressed with the questions you were asking. It shows that you have a head on your shoulders and that you don't take what people say as gospel fact, but you investigate for yourself. I was also concerned about the comment below, "just do and be what we please". That's a scary thought! What if the guy standing next to me in Wal-Mart would very much be pleased to crack my skull. Anyhow....good luck playing Ani's stuff. She's got so many alternate tunings it's hard to follow.

3:36 PM

Blogger Eric said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

3:36 PM

Blogger Eric said...

You said.."i have this hope that maybe pleasing god is achieved through faithfully acknowledging and giving validity to every step of my life down to the most human desires/hopes/fears.. rather than feeling small or inadequate in the downcast view of super-christains." There is no such thing as a Super-Christian. I know, because I tried to be one. You're right, it can get you down with such high of a standard. We've all sinned and deserve hell. Now there's a group you can identify with! Bites doesn't it. It only takes one lie to become a lier, one stolen item and you are a thief, and on sin to condemn you. Every Christian deserves this as does everyone else. There is no one who is good. No one. We just can't live up to God's standards. Chin up, though! He showed mercy on humanity by sending his son to die for our sins save us from hell. There is great freedom in Christianity! God has given us the power to choose what we can do! We can do what is right or we can do what is wrong. It involves giving your life to Him. Will you be perfect, a super Christian? No. God forgives when you fail him. Ok, I'm sorry I got preachy. I noticed your post and was impressed with the questions you were asking. It shows that you have a head on your shoulders and that you don't take what people say as gospel fact, but you investigate for yourself. I was also concerned about the comment below, "just do and be what we please". That's a scary thought! What if the guy standing next to me in Wal-Mart would very much be pleased to crack my skull. Anyhow....good luck playing Ani's stuff. She's got so many alternate tunings it's hard to follow.

3:37 PM

Blogger Eric said...

Why is it posted on here three times? Because I'm stupid. No, I'm blaming blogger, "Page contains no data".

3:38 PM


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