Take a look into what I see

Sunday, August 21, 2005

looking west

i'm starting to get really excited about school. the wedding was so perfect last night! We all had the best time! The ceremony was really sweet and personal and trev and i sang that andy davis song "bigger than us" and then off to the reception with italian food from 3 brothers and the toast given by me, and lots and lots of dancing. it was SO good to see my cousins and hang out and have a good time. and my sister was gorgeous and us bridesmaids were lookin awesome as well, and jesse was the mann on the dancefloor. thats just a quick recap.

so today there were more leftovers than you can imagine, plus 3 dozen bagels after having ppl over in the morning to open presents (at which time i went to church to avoid the crowd, sit in on the last service for a long time, and sell a few cds). in any case, the inevitable happened, i ate about 4 bagels, 2 plates of leftovers, a donut, and god knows what else! The only thing i could think to do to redeem myself was go running, and that i did, with trev and an ipod and some real good music we ran for a while and my legs feel achey and good.

i've been FEELING a lot lately, and only occasionally and shortly getting sad for the loss of this stage of life with one or two tears. ultimately i'm just really feeling good about moving, now that i'm packing and all it's just good and exciting to be able to start fresh. i looked at my schools website and found the 30 or so outdoor trips this fall, i'm totally going on atleast 3 or 4! they look so cool, waterfalls, volcanoes, kayaking... i mean, whats goin on! i'm in!

and i love my friends and distance doesnt change that. and my family has been leaving for the longest time, just coming and going, so i don't feel so bad to be doing the same on my own adventure, though i do cherish time with them cause my family rocks.

it's going to be a good trip. I talked to some ppl at church today, one guy, lester whitmer, the guy who does a lot of work aorund the church cutting lawns and things like that, he was saying how when his daughter got to college and everyone left she started writing a list of all the things she was going to miss, and then she realized that she was supposed to be happy and tore up the list then and there.

i've caught myself a little stuck in the past lately or stuck in the future... and i guess last night was something that demanded the NOW which was a bit emotional at times, but i think it got me back on track with what day it actually is. so i'm managing, and if you want to see me you better come to my house tomorrow or the next day, cause come wednesday morning i'll be gone!

:) adios ppl


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