something worth recording
I came home this friday afternoon relieved that the first week back from school was over, looking forward to a nap (which was unfulfilled). I had a meeting with Nuc today and about 20 minutes before I had to be there... So I checked my email only to find what completely made my day/week!
For those of you who don't know (this included my parents until this afternoon), I'm part of this song-writers collaborative workshop. It's for howard county students, and 8 of us have been planning this 8 week workshop. Last time we met we all played one of our songs, including Tom Payne and Sue Trainor, the two people who put the whole thing together (wonderful people).
So where to start? Tom Payne has connections... I first read an email from Nigel Reed, the person in charge of a new series on Howard County TV that received my information from Tom Payne, who recommended me for this series called Art a la carte... or something like that, and he wants me to appear on this show. I guess it's an interview and then a performance of one or two songs!! I know channel 72 isn't the most-watched station out there, but that is pretty damn cool! I still don't know if I'll be on it for certain, but if I have the choice, you know i'll be there!
Another quick update on events-- the RHS coffee house is March 11th (my birthday), and auditions are on February 23rd (Wednesday after school)... so spread the word to possible performers, and mark your calender to make sure you can make it! There may also be a show at the barn- a coffeehouse/open mic deal to raise money for the tsunami! I'm clearing the dates next week, the hope is for it to be February 18th (day after rachael's bday).. ahh yes, the love for music. I wish the colleges I applied to could understand how tight I am with actually caring to organize shows and perform places. I guess you have you're empowering moments and also some humbling ones (like the audition for belmonts school of music may be... considering i'm not a sight-reading classical guitarist and original songs is not part of the audition!).
That should be enough to keep me goin for a long while, I must say i've fully recovered from my last blog's dark confusion. i'm a free soul just taking the opportunities i get, and i do love so much about life/my life/the people in my life/etc. etc. to experience pleasure you must also experience pain, both are equally valid in this process of life.
i've had at least 5 people.. friends of the family and/or church people randomly ask me if i'm in any relationships/seeing anyone/persuing anyone. and it's been so long since anything has even happened that the question even feels foreign. i suppose something can't be forced into happening for the hell of an experience (there also is the problem of me needing a relationship to mean something to me, which stops me from going after just anyone). I'm a lil complicated, and not many guys are into that or ready for that... or maybe i'm picky.. still not even anything has come close in months. it's easy to reminisce on the previous relationships and miss them for what they were, and what they can no longer be. it's funny though because before people mentioned it so much i've really been so caught up in living "independently" with music and whatnot that it really doesn't matter that i havent had a boyfriend or anything close. you can still LIVE without that, at least i can right now.
(i drank lots of caffiene earlier to stay awake at this youth group dinner, which surprisingly turned out awesome, and now i can't sleep!)
well.. if you read this and it's saturday, i'm working at pepperjacks from 11-4, feel free to visit. i'm gonna read til my eyelids no longer have the strength to stay open, and fade into a hopefully pleasant dream remniscent of beauty. ahh how i love the freedom of blogging. saying whatever the hell i pleaase. peace out ppl
congratulations on the show, jod! way to go!
that's so wonderful.
i'm glad to be out of christmas hell, so i can catch up with you and your blog. i'm so proud of you for being such an activist and artist at the same time. if that doesn't count for belmont, then they don't deserve you.
8:46 PM
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