Take a look into what I see

Monday, November 15, 2004


the relaxing kind of ahh... haha, the kind of ahh that comes when i turn on this wonderful andy davis CD. If you want to find a way to win me over, go listen to andy davis and love it as much as i do, and i'm pretty sure i'll just have to fall in love with you or something (fellas). lol its that kind of music. like matt wertz and stephen speaks with a little country remnants. mmmmm.

i'm kind of getting tired of all the stuff i "know", i'm ready to learn some crazy interesting things that will enlighten me. any good movies to see to help me out with that? lol, if you've got some cool things to say, give me a call, we'll go get coffee and become educated, in the beautiful way that happens outside of school. (i've been deprived of NF's for too long!).

this past weekend was pretty fulfilling, in ways not intended by the topics the church kind of assigned to the weekend. I mean... saturday night i could barely watch the dark path in front of me on the way to the campfire, cause i was too absorbed in those stars. had to be millions of them just swirled around in the darkness. and i just was blown away that so many stars are up there ALL the time.. and we barely would know it.

you know there seems to be a fine line between feeling unique and feeling completely alone. like no one else can see the world exactly how i see it. thats cool for the purposes of being special and having my own little place. but what about when i want to share my life with other ppl? sounds like an elementary question-- people already know me, right? well... yeah but ppl cant always agree on everything. life's not always that convenient. though i have had the advantage of rach and mike and kathleen, which really makes most of the other crap not really matter cause they just understandd. its pretty incredible actually.

just for the record, this is not a "productive night"... which is why this blog is so LONG, i just dont feel like doing homework cause my attention is being diverted to more important hypothetical things, like where i'll be next year, and whats going to happen to all these highschool days, and if there is some guy out there who's on my page just waiting to tell me everythings okay and to take me out to enjoy these dark empty nights. friends can do that too.. but why not shoot for the moon? lol, seems like thats all i ever do. i'm sure i'm boring some people, if anyone even reads this thing anymore! i'll head out, thanks for the space to breathe and express, oh infinite internet.

www.andydavisonline.com you'll fall in love with it (then i'll fall in love with you!) its got mp3s, just look at the bottom left corner. ahhh its great.



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