tired eyes keep open
so i have not slept much recently... at all, but i feel the need to be awake a lot! maybe tonight it was the coffee... but every other night for the past i can't even recall how many weeks, i have just been AWAKE a lot. and its kind of good, to be accomplishing a lot in a day. it feels good to be productive in cool ways. i'll recap: thursday- This Day and Age at the barn, friday- my birthday/coffeehouse, saturday- the vault in b-more, kathleens, sunday- church/writing grad speech, monday- songwriters group, tuesday- baking extravaganza/late night conversations, wednesday- andrew norsworthy concert, thursday- recorded "don't forget me" (www.jodimclaren.com--listen!), and tonight: Baltimore with Rach and Judy, best italian dish i've had in a verrry long time....
speaking of ITALY..... SIX DAYS and i'll BE THERE! or basically FIVE since its technically saturday!!! i can't imagine eating like i did tonight in little italy, every day, with even BETTER food in ITALY... i love food! Baltimore was great tonight, i kicked butt at parallel parking on the street after getting lost and driving in circles for forever, all the while having deep conversation, many involving 16 different LETTERS (myers-briggs? no way!). i get to see andrew norsworthy play again tomorrow at college perk. (www.andrewnorsworthy.com) (i really need to learn how to do those hot links... theres no BUTTON with a mac to set it up for me... if anyone knows about that, please leave a message.)
i'm really thankful... in my sleep-drunkenness, or should it be called sleep sober? since i haven't indulged in sleep.... hmmm. well anyway, i'm thankful, because there are a few ppl that keep up with me, and i keep up with them, and theres a LOT to keep up with, and at the same time, not much really is happening on the surface. and i love being able to live on the next level of life, where the intangibles are all that matters. life's so much freer that way. (free-er...)
i like this thing rach wrote: tonight i'll open my window and invite the air to grace my face..."hello love," she'll whisper, "you've never felt me before, and soon i shall pass you by, but not without a sigh, a goodbye, and the warmth of my love on your lips"
totally sums up our having to ask random strangers on the road how to get to 95 and getting ambiguous answers from taxi drivers like "oh, its THATTA WAY!" (pointing in opposite direction that we were driving), to attractive man giving JUST the right directions. i love driving with the window down! and inviting those kinds of things to happen (even if we didd happen to be lost and in need, that wasn't the important part, the connections are the important part!)
still thinking of a CD title... one idea was "ideally real" or.... "even darkness deserves light".... not quite sure! Daniel Anderson is helping me design a CD, I'll be recording in mid-april, and thenn who knows how long it'll take, but i want to mass-produce a CD, i may be asking for some donations to help do that $1,200 project. any input/ideas/ppl you know who design websites/CD covers... ppl who would be interested in helping produce my CD in this studio i'll be occupying, talk to me if you are/know people who are skilled in these areas! leave a comment! write an email! (settle4more@gmail.com)... IM me: italianchic311
okay.. i really should sleep, think i'll read til i realize how tired i am. my guess is that i'll get through about.. 2 pages maybe 5. hmm i wonder what i should read in italy, any ideas? right now i'm reading "the man who saw the face of god" and it is incredible!! such an amazing story, i love it. this guy completely explains his life decisions in a shameless/poetic/beautiful way that relates to religion, nonviolence, and politcs... so i'm off to read more-- goodnight! (i apologize for boring some of you that read all of this! i'm just awake somehow and freely typing thoughts, its that kind of night)
Not getting sleep... I totally feel that.
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Don't stop thinking.
10:18 AM
jiggalo! you are WONDERFUL. and you know (but i'll say it again for posting matters) that i would most definitely lovee to help you in the studio... and everywhere/anyhere!... once again, thank you for filling my life with more love, laughs, and pure goodness. -rachey
5:52 PM
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