Take a look into what I see

Sunday, September 18, 2005

license to believe

i spent the afternoon in the park in portland doing "pot-luck in the park," an organized pot luck to feed homeless people downtown. It was great! I got to hand out lots and lots of FOOD to hungry people. All had to do was show up to help, so much food had been donated from bakeries, and they even had icecream from baskin robins, and lots of cake. I was in charge of the bread (how appropriate), and we had loaves and loaves to give to people. I probably helped feed about 600 people.

as i was leaving i saw lots of people talking with eachother over their overflowing plates of food, sharing leftovers, and smiling and laughing. I left with a sense that there is good in the world, and that when people come together to help eachother out, it really pays off. it's okay to want to help people in this city, it's okay to want to make this city a community, no matter what socio-economic background you have. i don't have to defend myself in wanting to help and to contribute. i feel very hopeful for humanity, having experienced today.

it's so nice not giving money, but instead giving time to people, a word or two, some food, a smile. i'll have to sit down and eat with some of them next time, i had to catch the shuttle back because i still have homework to do.

i love this city, not only am i accepted for wanting to help, but there are so many venues to volunteer through and make thoughts/words/hope into actions and experiences.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good stuff Jodi. I'm really glad that you are having a good time. It really is important to do stuff like that and it's really easy to stay home and take a nap instead.

Just FYI you can turn on a thing in your Blog Settings that prevents comment spam. I know how disappointing it is to check your blog and see 1 new comment and then find out it's crap. Heres the site.

10:40 PM

Blogger Rachael said...

i love you jodi... enough said. well, besides the fact that i'm glad the advertisements no longer have the right to infest your blog... muahahhaha... i love you so much. way to kick ass ! ;)

9:25 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a wonderful way to spend a sunday afternoon. jodi you never cease to amaze me... I'm so happy you've found rewarding outlets already in portland. i told this kid i was going to change the world today, to which he replied "no, you're not." he obviously had no idea he was speaking with kathleen littleton-- student of jodi mclaren's school for people who plan to save the world. lets spread love like we spread butta. mmmmm alllllll over! rock on, joD!

8:24 PM


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