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Thursday, September 02, 2004

A+'s and NF's

Day 4 of school. I came home to tell my mom that we had to take a fake english AP test and that i actually enjoyed lots of the reading in it (despite the fact that i didnt know a bunch of words in the answers...) She of course informed me that INF's are great readers and enjoy it a lot. Of course this is true. I used to get really frustrated that my every move i make in life or thing that makes me happy is already explained! But lets just say that the enthusiasm i had today is not likely to last, as it has already faded just in time for me to be starting my homework before work. BUT as i was lying on the couch my mom told me that i need to "schedule a time to hang out with rachael sometime soon so i dont go crazy that my school has no NF's"

for all of you that don't know about the myers-briggs personality test that has helped run my family since before i was born, you should ask my mom about it, or maybe i'll post the website up here for some quick info.

I laughed. but it's funny cause i do get frustrated with how S everything is, the rubrics, the raising hands, being on time, tests, homework, impersonal point systems that work like the judging for an olympic sport, all those practical things that run the school system. You're getting the A+ for touching upon each topic thats already been discovered and decided upon, just make sure you pay attention cause the teacher most-likely told you already everything you need to relay back to him/her later.

Lucky for me, when i'm not in my AP classes, I get to be doing photography or music tech, and basically let the NF take over. The ultimate one is the intern/mentor program: leaving early to work on music. How beautiful that will be! Not everyone understands what makes me happy, what makes me smile, my need for meaning in the things i do, that i love reading meaningful literature, that small talk gets boring after a while. But dude, are there ever people that completely understand all that mess, and they're truly amazing. It's probably why I spent like all summer hanging out with the same people. The same interesting passionate people whom i love very very much.

I'm trying to balance the A+ that can sometimes be meaningless, with my happiness and inescapable traits the blessing/curse of the NF! We all find eachother though.. thank god, i'd be so lost without it.

peace (oh and apologies for the myers-briggs talk (NF, S, etc) ) --yes i just put TWO parenthesis!

ps- theres lots to love about the practical (S) people too, lets just say i got an overload of it this week.


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