Take a look into what I see

Thursday, May 19, 2005

there is a bright side.. and im taking off my shades

that's right. while i can easily find things to get upset about... i'm realllly trying not to. and it works out most of the time that i can choose not to stress and not to get down.

i'd like to have some good times before i peace outta highschool, i guess kat's grad party is comin just in time. :)

i left school a little early today and came home and slept, i thought i was going to my room to get my guitar.. and then i fell on the bed and rolled a blanket around myself and slept 2 hours away, which i totally needed to do. my body is completely wiped out. i'm working tonight, it'll be hard, just because the runny nose has now come on, and the watery eyes, and ppl don't like when the girl making their sub is like gushing, and i'd rather be at home watching a movie and drinking soup.

but "i'm learnin how to be a fighter, and the differences that separate the misers, from ppl becoming wiser, and i'm on the verge of getting higher"

this is my theme song.. if you haven't heard it, then you're like everyone except my brother, cause i just made it up the other day but i've been jammin to it.

while i have complained some... i'm still atleast being productive, i figure thats the least i can do, to get things done because i never get things done and i'd like to prove that i can!

i think i need to pop another advil cold and sinus pill.. that could save me tonight! i forget about over the counter drugs and the help they provide.

house concerts are coming soon... possibly next week, let me know if you're down for chilling at my house while i play some songs and you eat and listen and converse. chipapalooza is next sunday!

i'm singing at the farewell assembly next friday.. and i'm performing at evening of the arts tomorrow night. i'm really excited. i can still perform even though i'm really sick, but i'm glad i called off my recording days, cause you want a recording to be good.. and its hard to focus and be good for 6 hours straight when you're feeling well.. let alone when you're sick! okay i betta head off to the p-jacka's. there totally is a bright side, i can see it, i'm trying to live in it ASAP, lets all do some good things this weekend, for the sake of having good things in our lives.



Blogger Rachael said...

by the way, you totally get things done. you accomplish the sum of 10 average people together (or more) so be proud of yourself! i know i am.

2:27 PM


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