Take a look into what I see

Monday, April 03, 2006

etymologies are fun

i had a poetry assignment to look up and try to use a bunch of germanic words in a poem... i saw constant gardener this week, put that together and here's what i got

first here are the words and their root meaning

Anglo-Saxon Etymology:

Window - From the Anglo-Saxon "vindr" eage," meaning the "wind's eye."

German Etymologies:

Rich - In Old French, "riche" meant "powerful"; it came to mean wealthy only by semantic extension. Originally from the German, Reich.

Bread – food

Sorrow – care

to be Sorry- physical/mental pain

Sate, satiate, satisfy – enough


My eyes open to a closed window.
The wind that connects my breath with yours
Is cut off by this glass.

I am not sorry for my sorrow;

I was born rich
With enough bread to satiate,

And you wait.
I see you there,
I remember your stories.
The windy seas glare violently against my eyes.

How can I care enough
To satisfy
More than just one
For another


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