Take a look into what I see

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

its a coldplay kinda night

Man... coldplay is SO good. We don't have school tomorrow, so i should be out having fun, but i'm so tired from my little adventure last night. I went to college perk.. at 10 30 and came home at 12 30, and woke up for school at 6. I'm sure i could go out... but it's 10 already so here i am!

I went to youth group tonight, they were talkin about prayer and i was like so.. if god knows everything than whats the point of praying? isn't writing the same thing? You know me, and my non-conformist beliefs. but it was good to just go there and say it, and people said some really cool stuff tonight.

back to last night- i wrote yet another song, i think i titled it "all i could do" on the computer... but it's coming along and i just had to play it for someone, and nobody was home and it was tuesday night, so it just made sense to go. I met someone who likes to record people which is always good, and a few other interesting people. Even heard some awesome originals from the other performers.

i've felt some assurance lately, in the midst of my unsteadiness at home and such. i dont even really know what its been, but maybe its just hearing other people be really honest, like tonight at youth group, and talking to jen the other day, and just hearing that other people THINK and FEEL too, even though most people would rather not expose those elements of themselves. maybe we're all just really dying to talk about those things that go unsaid everyday. or maybe its only us crazy people that go to open mike nights to express themselves-- but there aint nothin wrong with that!

Art club is up and running, i ran a meeting today which was a lot of fun, i feel comfortable walking through the halls at school, and running meetings and blurting things out in class. I guess it's come to the point that people know me to some degree, and there's nothing to lose. I'm just trying to come out of highschool having lived and learned as much as i could. thats not too much to ask, right? I'm off to a good start of a potentially awesome year.

as much as it will be sad leaving school... i'll be ready when the time comes to move out of the house and start my next experience: college. But for tonight, i'll sleep in my awesome room here in scaggsville, waking up to breakfast with a great friend, thankful for all of this, and ready to make the most of everything i got, cause it really is so much.


thanks to the background music... gotta love these lyrics:

"when i counted up my demons
saw there was one for everyday
with the good ones on my shoulders
i drove the other ones away
so if you ever feel neglected
if you think that all is lost
i'll be countin up my demons yeah
hoping everythings not lost."
colplay- everythings not lost

"your skin
oh yeah your skin and bones
turn into something beautiful
...look at the stars, look how they shine for you
and all the things that you do"
coldplay- yellow


Blogger jen lemen said...

coldplay is the best. yellow is my favorite. :)

9:10 PM


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