Take a look into what I see

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

music genuis

I was sitting on the couch after a long talk about colleges and school and all that with my mom... and i'm not ready to read a story in spanish, and then i remembered-- I HAVE A BLOG, (mwuahaha), and this is just what i need right now.

For those interested, i think my top choice is lewis & clark college in PORTLAND OREGON right now. Yeah, pretty damn far away. I get excited and then worried like, what will i do if i dont like it? But overall (lately) i'm just stressed about getting forms filled out for teacher recommendations and writing an amazing essay and applying to 9 schools.

I started my mentor program with Nuc, its really cool actually. so many things to learn about music equipment and computer stuff! I'll feel good when i know how to use it all. This is like the big test, whether i can hold out and read books about writing songs and crap like that and still have a love for music after finding out "what it takes" to live the life of a performing artist (that makes money). I mean the whole mentor thing could go in any direction, but i'm learning how to communicate to people who are music-smart, because right now... it's all in my own little language of my music and however i figured out how to write music. because apparently there are formulas that lots of people follow, and i wasn't completely informed or overly influenced by (on some songs atleast).

I just have to face all the facts head on and hold some kind of ground through it all. i dont know man, i always hated those people who would talk to me about these technical things about music and expect me to think really highly of them. I'd rather just talk about other stuff and hear the music, like who CARES what year your martin guitar was constructed or the brand of mic you use. OKAY, dont get me wrong, like they mean no harm, i dont actualy HATE the people.. but its just one of those topics of conversation i nod and swallow without knowing what they're talkign about

so i'm swallowing more of my pride (which i should really just be calling ignorance), and learning all that stuff, because i SHOULD know what they're talking about when it comes to EQ and GAIN and some other stuff i learned today. have no fear, i wont make any more posts that talk about all this technical stuff, for the same reason i dont like hearing it. nonetheless, i finally came to realize that it will really be useful to know.

if i could have one more day of summer... what would i do? What would YOU do?

maybe i'll write in the next post, maybe... (i'm such a P)



Blogger jen lemen said...

if i had one more day of summer, i would take my kids down to the creek and let them wade into up to their knees. then i would make a little rock pool by stacking all the rocks in a circle on top of the other and we could sit in it and think we were the coolest kids in america. then i would get them out, dry them off and lay on a big blanket, eating berries and telling stories i made up on the spot to make them laugh.

that's what i would do. :)

7:16 AM


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