Take a look into what I see

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Its time to RELAX

recent events have proven that I no longer have to attend highschool! The free time I've experienced so far has lead me to chip's backyard for the best CHIPAPALOOZA ever, rachaels house just about every day, to the orion sound recording studio in baltimore to begin my CD (with most of the 25 hour fee paid for by the presale!), AHS graduation, work occasionally, and well... sleeping in and taking long naps to recover from this year of excitement and no sleep.

i was chillin in church this sunday listening to a sermon on contemplation. i guess what brought me to the sermon arena and not just youth group was that I was playing guitar and singing for the church this past sunday... which was lots of fun! the youth band came up together and we basically revived a bunch of old camp songs and had the congregation clapping little riffs inbetween chorus lines. so back to the service... after lots of talk about how americans are so freakin busy that they don't leave much time for silence and contemplation, and often avoid such moments like when you're driving and there's no radio on and some realities start to surface so you turn on the radio as a distractor. or how lots of ppl work so hard during hte day that they fall asleep as soon as their head hits the pillow, not leaving any time for those sometimes haunting thoughts that come so easily when lying awake in bed.

then he was just talking about how its really important to sit in silence and think and allow yourself to like, step outside of yourself and try to open yourself up long enough so that you're not just thinking ME ME ME ME all the time. so i was taking all this in, and of course he wanted to allow there ot be a little "practice time" of silence and contemplation. i let my shoulders relax (our shoulders are always tight until we consciously think about it and unclench the muscles), and closed my eyes. and nothing too amazing happened, but this feeling of relaxation just introduced itself to me and was like JUST RELAX. i was expecting condemnation in the church for the sins and the unworthiness of all people or something, but it was the complete opposite, so much that when i had fully grasped the idea of relaxing and enjoying myself this summer i opened my eyes to make sure i was still in church (sure enough ppl were still closing their eyes intently and praying). and i just sat there and smiled. so i graduate tomorrow, and rob and eun will be there (this makes me so happy, i love them and never see them anymore!) and on friday i'm leaving for beach week with people i love in a house that is:

"located on the canal that opens to the Big Assawoman Bay." now.. i'm wondering if this was a joke- big assawoman bay... it's writen on the house description.

and after that brittany's coming here from portland to hang out! which means... awesome times and many excuses to see DC and Baltimore and maybe NYC as well. if you know some place she should see while visiting the east coast for the first time for a week, let me know!

so basically, my summer is off to a wonderful start and i'm ready to enjoy the company of many fellow seniors during senior week, with guitar in hand much of the time. OH funny conversation... i was talking to this lady after church and she asked about graduation and then if i was going to beach week, and i was like yes i amm. and she said "i hope you're not going to be as crazy as i was when i went to ocean city" and i was like "Yeah i'll be careful" and then she said "yeah, be sure to wear sunscreen!" .... that's EXACTLY what i was worried about! we had a good laugh.

now i must go battle my dirty-laundry covered room and the hugeness of target for some decent white shoes and a white skirt/dress, with the few dollars left to my name.

PS-recording is so much fun! i'm being quite productive in there and i can't wait til the next session. looks like i'll be finished recording by the end of June, so hopefully all will be printed and ready in early July! Presale is still happening, let me know if you're interested in pre-buying the CD for $10. :)


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