Take a look into what I see

Thursday, June 30, 2005

i'm in the news!

Laurel Leader's article is OUT... go read if you haven't: http://news.mywebpal.com/news_tool_v2.cfm?pnpID=810&show=localnews&NewsID=643011

To get a CD go to www.jodimclaren.com

this sites all blogs... :)

I'm organizing the CD release party! SO EXCITED for it! We're looking at Jen Lemen's backyard in Silver Spring... :) I'll let you know details when things are a little more solid. My hopes are high, we're looking for artists to come play for the occasion, and I'll put on a show as well. Keep July 30th open!


Wednesday, June 29, 2005

yay for pictures

people in silohette at the concert.... heaven/aka college perk.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

redemption vs acknowldegment

i was chillin at rach's the other night and she was saying how no movies end with the hero dying... but in life the hero dies. and it's interestingly true-- while movies openly expose inner organs, blood, guns, nude bodies having sex, drugs, guns, knives, (insert more things you wouldn't want your kids seeing), there's most-often times a good guy, and he or she usually makes it out of whatever just fine and well.. the problem gets resolved, it's as if nothing bad ever happened.

the whole movie is just waiting for the character to be redeemed out of some bad situation. I was thinking of this again when I thought of this awesome book I read a while ago called "blue like jazz," I never did finish the sequal though, it seemed like all the questioning and doubt happened in the first book... and it did have a sort of tidy ending, and the second book, while i should finish reading it before i even judge, is more about reconstructing, rebuilding, fixing it all back up. And it started feeling cheesy to me... and if things feel phoney to me then i have trouble continuing with them.

I have finally began reading my dads book, the last word and the word after that, and it's been really great. no phoniness about it, good job dad.

i think theres an urgency in our culture to fix, and fix fast, and redeem, and make better, so much that problems get brushed under the rug, when problems are so important to deal with... just as laughter and smiles are a part of life, so is doubt and fear and sadness. I'm not saying one should beat out the other, I'm not saying that at all... and that's the strange thing, because most people want good to win, but that's not even the battle, we shouldnt be fighting to have an easy life... or i can't assume that of other poeple, but i myself will not make decisions in order to make my life uninvolved and simple, while this may be an impossible goal, it's not one i even want to attain. i want all of it, all of the ups, all of the downs, and the ability to keep going, to be changed, to be in transition, and for that to be okay with the world.

redemption can't occur without acknowledgment... and without proper due time.

now that the blog is done i'm thinking of a few movies where the "hero" dies... titanic, american beauty... and donald miller is still cool in my book, some answers just don't work for me cause i need to write my own book, live my own journey. and i will. in due time.


Saturday, June 25, 2005

a new word.

my sister and mom were talking about it on the way home from NJ today,

"Liminality" it is this inbetween state of letting go of the past, but being uncertain of the future.

So I googled around and found some really cool articles, though there aren't a whole lot of them, and I'd like to read more, and maybe jump into some literature this summer that expresses these things.

so liminality comes with graduating (among many other things)... letting go of highschool, moving on to college. it's both positive and negative. I found this quote interesting:

"...what people usually have in mind is really resistance to transition, not to change ... Change occurs when something new starts or something old stops, and it takes place at a particular point in time. But transition cannot be localized in time that way, since it is the gradual psychological process through which individuals and groups reorient themselves so that they can function and find meaning in a changed situation. Change often starts with a new beginning, but transition must start with an ending -- with people letting go of old attitudes and behaviors ... At bottom, it is a person's identity that he or she has trouble letting go of, and it is that identity that stands in the way of the change producing its desired result" (Surviving Corporate Transition, pp. 16-19).

Another article I found was saying how lots of poets and artists learn to live in a state of liminality. Tim Kinsella said:

"The writer offers herself or himself to everything and everyone, turning to the inconsequential and almost invisible weeds for meaning as much as to the glorious blossoms, valuing the dark parts of the story as much as its light. . . For the writer to write at all, he or she must cultivate a heart that opens to all things. . . It is up to the writer to love everything that happens to him or her and each thing that comes under the eye's contemplation, inner or outer."

So this begins to explain the ambiguities about us humans, us bloggers, us artists... going through transitions in a culture that has no real "rites of passage" to affirm the journey and our process of becoming all the time. There's lots of us though, transitioning, opening up, so it's not so alienating. I'll be reading more... just thought I'd share that word with anyone unfamiliar, as i was earlier this afternoon, wikipedia doesn't even have a page on it yet (the word is too ambiguous i suppose), it is called "liminality." If you have more resources on that topic let me know


a little bit of really good news

I got my scholarship back for LC! Now I don't feel so horrible for going to an expensive college.

My party was very personal and awesome. I really got to talk to some people on more than a mingling level, and I'm so thankful for that, and for the gifts people gave, and the words people shared.

My website is DONE and beautiful! Go look! There is more coming... like for instance, songs from the CD, which are almost finished being recorded, give me another week or 2. Look at whats there so far-- www.jodimclaren.com

I really love my friends.

I raised 1,000 bucks through the Pre-sale, or I should be saying YOU raised me 1,000 bucks, wow, and I'm so thankful for that, it's really just so incredible to have that support, and the end product is coming together so awesomely, I'm working really hard in the studio! It really will be great.

Now I get to go celebrate again, this time in NJ with my moms side of the family, the Italian side, just when I thought the food couldn't get better (my mom and i fried eggplant yesterday, and it was ooh so good!), I head over there, mmm I just have a really good life. Nights like last night remind me how connected we all are... in both struggles and celebrations.

peace out, and Happy Birthday to Brittany today!


Thursday, June 23, 2005

party time

hey, I'm having my graduation party tomorrow, and I was really bad at sending out invitations, if you are not doing anything tomorrow, please come join us at my house, stop by and indulge in my moms italian food, it's going to be wonderful.

That is June 24th at my house at 6:30 pm. Seriously, drop by,


Wednesday, June 22, 2005


i started writing this post right after senior week and only wrote a sentence:

awesome people need affirmation.

now.. i've gotten TONS of affirmation, it's been incredible to be able to make my CD and actually have it be happening and be so well supported by boardwalk walkers and friends and family and all kinds of things.

but what about the tons of other awesome people out there who DON'T get affirmation? here's who hasn't gotten affirmation from me who genuinely deserves it more than anyone in the world:

1. my father! HELLO, he's changing the world, and i freaking found a million reasons to get upset with him and mesh my own personal struggles into a relational struggle with him that involved me treating him like poo... and then getting mad at him for it. now what the heck is up with that? why didn't i ever stand up in the mirror and smack myself in the face? i was too busy hurting myself in this struggle i created because i didn't think my parents would accept me if they kneww that i didn't really believe in christianity, or if they knew that i chose to get drunk during senior week.

why am i typing this in a blog? because a lot of people think i'm perfect, and i'd like to say i'm not, but that i'm not stopping there either. you can't fake being a leader, and i don't know if i was doing that or not, but when i'm ready to be a leader, i will be. i do know that it is in me to do some incredible things on this world, but it will take getting over myself and not seeking to create problems for myself. now how was i able to realize all of this... well thats where the second person who deserves recognition comes in; among many of my close friends is:

2. Rachael Maddox, now this one sounds out of place; rachael is my best friend, of COURSE i think she's awesome... well no, i do think she's awesome, but i haven't shown her sincere gratitude lately, after all the wisdom she's poured out to me, i've been throwing it back in her face essentially by making lame comments that are hurtful and mean and unnecessary. where is it springing from? this negative space that has been formed in myself throung a bitter relationship i formed with my dad, and it's now opened up and out of the closet and attacking without me even thinking about it. rachael is who she says she is. rachael's not putting on a front. rachael's owning up to her self, and she's seeking to do something great with her future, and THAT deserves encouragement.

it's easy for me to get encouragement because i can sit down and play someone a song, and my music is something tangible people can look at and say "good job." but everyone has a song.. and i obviously don't mean literally. but really.. what's so great about a song? well a good song is honest, it's putting something out there, it's contributing to other people or to society, it's saying something or feeling something OUT LOUD... so put aside the whole verse chorus thing (because i don't feel like extending the metaphor any further), but it is so important to encourage people who are doing something with their lives. and to encourage people to do something with their lives, and to really understand a person before writing them off, or especially before hurting them. and these are just all things i'm learning, and i've felt like a horrible person for needing to learn them, but it's more important that i accept that horrible part of me and press on with the good stuff. now... can we all just celebrate eachother? thats what we need this summer; to encourage and inspire and support and celebrate ourselves and the wonderful people around us... the wonderful people that have problems but find ways to deal with them. who fight to stay alive and give life a good name. First people up to celebrate in my life: my dad and rachael. and theres room for more once i get a little further over myself. ( i didn't enjoy writing that last sentence... but its true).

there's my shot at honesty, for what its worth,


Monday, June 20, 2005

too much ME

okay... man, it's okay to struggle and everything, but really, the past few days i've been absorbed in that struggle and getting through it on a personal level and all this self-self-self stuff and i've written blogs (one of which i didn't even post because it was the same thing restated in a longer way than the blog titled "bold")

anyway, i'm thankful for all that struggle because i finally dealt with something important and talked to my dad and let him tell me how much i've hurt him over the past few years (which i needed to hear), and found out that my parents do love me whether i'm a christain or not, and so really... the only thing holding me back from being an amazing person is myself, that's nothing! (that's everything!)

during those couple days any conversation with anyone wasn't very focused, because in the back of my head was this problem, this insecurity, this suckiness, and so i did a poor job of shielding that, and hid away in the basement for a few days, and did my NF shut down, and cried, and wrote long emails, and talked on the phone, all about ME... i needed to i suppose, yeah i did need to.

but the me- days are done for a while, not done, but definitely umm less concentrated. we're constantly growing and discovering ourselves and learning how to become some one unique despite the beliefs of other ppl in the world, and it's hard to grow up, it's hard to look at things in the past and say... i'm not like that anymore, and acknowledge that you WERE like "that"... and that there are parts of us that come out at different times in our lives and we need to take all of them into consideration and not hide that EVER.

a number of things pushed me to deal with all of that; one- having a news article written about me and having to answer questions about the things i was most uncomfortable about, about myself, feeling what its like to step out in the open, not liking the feeling. two- senior week, meaninglessness. three- chris's struggle, wanting to be a friend, thinking about his struggle. four- having the kind of friends that know me well enough to call me out and tell me when i need to step up to the plate. five- growing up as a christain, not wanting to be defined as that anymore, but being scared to define myself as something else... so remaining "undefined" and trying to convince myself that it can still be meaningful and awesome to be undefined.

i feel like i can breathe again, i have been writing so much poetry lately to try to get some of my emotions out... but after i finally dealt with things, had a good talk with my dad, i came back to the documents, one blank text thing was open before when i was thinking about writing another stupid poem about being sad or something, and i wrote this instead:

there is no need for this space of blankness waiting to absorb
bloodstained regret.

there is no need for hiding under years of unsaid thought and emotion
and guilt

there is no need to blame the ones above me, for now i stand alone
and alongside the one above me

because he's no longer above me

we've endured pain apart for far too long

and he's no longer above me

and i've got no one to live up to, except myself

and that is more than enough.

he's on my side, and now i can conquer anything!
i found just about every reason for holding back
and held it there
right on my back

but i unpacked my past, and i'm ready to keep going.

joyous. yes i know! i kept all my internal struggles as internal for long enough to drive me crazy, all i had to do was TALK. i know i'm a great person, but now i really feel okay for being who i am. and that is almost strange. in a beautiful way.

can't wait to map out an amazing summer with rach and kathleen, we're meeting tonight to make goals for the summer, and i'm so happy! thank godd for friends, and for really good parents. really really good parents. REAALLLY GOOD PARENTS.

i've got a CD to be working on for noww :)


Sunday, June 19, 2005

west coast

i was driving today.. when i realized that if i had the money i'd go drive up the west coast and play shows/boardwalks wherever possible, and try to make enough friends to have a shower every couple of nights.

i've had all this internal weirdness and struggle lately (see previous blog), and there's this sense of "what am i DOING?" and this feeling that i want to do a whole lot, and i need to do a whole lot. and today was an enormous help. i watched part of the andy goldsworthy movie on his art that is so freaking amazing. i'm so glad jen bought this dvd for my dad cause it was the perfect thing to watch this morning before walking to work. he created art out of nature and allowed for tides to wash up and disperse of different things he'd created. it was so cool because it spoke so much to life and change and disappointment and growth.

i met with daniel anderson tonight, my website and cd designer, and he completely surprised me after our photo shoot 2 days ago with 3 different distinct awesome cd designs, one of which i particularly loved! this was great because i've been in a slump and to have him working for me and doing such a great job and actually caring about the design and making sure it's what i want.. it's just a great support and it takes a lot of weight off of me and gives me room to focus on my recording, which is awesome. more than all that, something about seeing the cd covers he made gave me a little inspiration to keep pushing forward, it was like.. someone elses interpretation of me allowing me to make more space for myself to see this project in new ways.

so.. i still need to find a way to do some amazing things this summer. if you have some options, let me know.

PS- jacob's blog is so great.. go to it right now! www.thesebricksarefake.blogspot.com. he puts into words what it's like growing up in the cloud of christianity as a keen/sincere/concerned individual.

for now... i must stay energized about my cd! if all goes well i'll be done in 2 weeks! next recording session is tuesday. :)

Thursday, June 16, 2005


blogs are so weird sometimes because well... certain things i journal, right, and people don't read my journal, so what makes it something i blog rather than journal? I mean other people read this thing (supposedly)... so before i wrote the last sentence i was thinking some interesting thoughts that i'll leave here because... well because my blog is awfully geared towards making me look a certain way i'd like to see myself, and that's not the whole side of the story quite, and sure it's nice to read maybe, but whats really there? what all is there inside of me?

i was sitting in my living room with an awesome friend, brittany, from portland andd with my mom and we were talking about religion or something and my mom says "all of my kids are deconstructing their faith right now" and i just kind of smiled or laughed. my mom is right about a lot of things and for the past couple months i haven't really summed up my questions and things as "deconstruction," but that's basically what it is... and it's kind of a bitter process at times. poking fun at and punching at the belief structure you've come to believe to see if its really ligit.

so what defines me? what defines us as humans? i'm going to college in the fall.. i've probably told atleast 100 people that, and if you don't know, i'll let you know so that you can know something about me or to fill the politely curious knowledge. i'm going to lewis and clark college in portland next year. but right now in this instant, which doesn't indefinitely define my attitude, i'm doubting that an institution can even remotely define me. saying that is kind of bothersome, because the next question feels like, why bother with doing something that doesn't define who you are? and hell... why pay $30,000 if you're not kicking and screaming to go?

i think what scares me about asking those questions is that something about going to college is comforting, something about saying it's not worth it feels detrimental towards myself. i often feel on the fence, lately atleast, between pushing myself to do things i'm not even sure i want to do... or simply choosing not to do those things. soccer was sort of something that happened and got dropped, and i even emailed back the coach at LC to follow up about soccer this fall... but ultimately i don't feel connected to soccer so much anymore, which can be seen in my not playing for the past year and a half. and the way i've phrased that issue is by saying music was more of a priority.. and that is true. without playing soccer i had enough time to be involved in rock the barn and starting my CD, and i truly love it, thank god, because that's one thing i know through all this deconstruction or whatever; that i really enjoy music and can express myself through it and can hear the voices of humanity in ppls music, it's so beautiful and incredible. and no one forced me to be a musician. but then i get caught in a tough place.

it's good to do things you don't want to do... to adjust, and learn to put some greater goal before your own personal struggles, because... it forces you to grow. our parents have been forcing us to grow everytime we have to ask them whether or not we can do something and the answer is in their hands rather than ours. but now its our choice, how we grow, or even IF we really want to push ourselves to grow. it's kind of a bitter place to be because i don't want to fall on either side of the fence. i don't want to do something and not enjoy it... but i dont want to do nothing and have nothing to push myself towards.

i watched the big kahuna today by myself.. probably because i haven't been "by myself" really since before graduation 2 weeks ago (and the past 2 weeks have been great!) but now some things have been surfacing, things i couldn't have really expected. the movie is really slow, but there's this whole underlying meaning through this business-marketing plot. so there's 3 guys and one of them is all for the business and there to get the job done and be a liaison between his company and some other hotshot company, and the other guy is kind of unsure if he wants to be in the business anymore because his life is really complicated, and then theres a new guy who's a nice-guy christain... anyway, the business guy and the christain guy get in a huuge argument because christian guy (bob) talked to the person they were supposed to get in touch with.. talked to him about life and death and jesus, when he was supposed to be representing the company. so bob is like, why can't ppl just get to know eachother, and the other guy is like you just had you're own intentions blah blah blah... then the business guy leaves... and the depressed guy talks to bob and says some really cool stuff... first he says:

It doesn't matter whether you're selling Jesus or Buddha or civil rights or 'How to Make Money in Real Estate With No Money Down.' That doesn't make you a human being; it makes you a marketing rep. If you want to talk to somebody honestly, as a human being, ask him about his kids. Find out what his dreams are - just to find out, for no other reason. Because as soon as you lay your hands on a conversation to steer it, it's not a conversation anymore; it's a pitch. And you're not a human being; you're a marketing rep.

that's just interesting because it makes business people and jesus-spreaders ppl with identical intentions.. to serve the greater goal of the company or the religion... sacrificing something of themselves... well okay. but the one line that was really interesting to me came later when this guy was telling bob (christain guy) that he didn't have character because he didn't have any regrets.. and bob is like, so i have to do something wrong to gain character? and he's like... no.. :

I'm saying you've already done plenty of things to regret, you just don't know what they are. It's when you discover them, when you see the folly in something you've done, and you wish that you had it do over, but you know you can't, because it's too late. So you pick that thing up, and carry it with you to remind you that life goes on, the world will spin without you, you really don't matter in the end. Then you will gain character, because honesty will reach out from inside and tattoo itself across your face.

that was just really powerful to hear. it's too idealistic to say "live life without regretting"... regret is important in that we see our mistakes and learn and grow and become, sure we should live in a way we think we won't regret in the future... regret is so strange. the word just speaks of being stuck in a bad reality, but what happens when we accept our regret? we gain character i think. because it's not denying regret.. it's regretting.. and moving on. if we are human being who do not regret then we're not really seeing ourselves clearly. as much as every person can build a defense for themselves, to make it seem like there is nothing "wrong" about what we've done, there comes a point when whatever was chosen just wasn't the best choice for whatever reason... and it's necessary to recognize these things. i think we all get a little scared of that whole area of life. we run away from it because people won't accept it, because we ourselves don't accept it. (it=whatever is not something we're proud of). so we can pretend we're proud of it, or just try to forget that it exists, but it's there.

i like writing these kind of blogs that turn themselves around. i felt a whole negative wave coming on at the thought of scheduling classes for college and being identified as a college kid and born into a whole list of expectations. i don't want to be a marketer for the hell of marketing. i want something important to express. it's weird.. i was thinking about this in nyc. there is sooo much art there in the form of advertising. the advertisements are soo interesting to look at. they're really a form of art, but then most artists are tempted to discredit that form of art because it's purpose is only to market to get you to take some other action. what is it about having an intention behind something that freaks people out? without intention we're just blobs of expression never really getting anywhere. we all need a dollar, why not make what we're selling look interesting? life is one big paradox of little paradoxes. i keep catching onto more and more of them. in art class we say what makes art is the intention. yet we mock intention when it's not in alignment with something we value or something. we're made to serve the greater good; we're made to serve only our selves. we're everything; we're nothing. life matters be careful; life doesn't matter have fun. and it's back and forth, and you just hope you don't spend too much time on one side or the other because you'll lose the other half, you'll live off-balance. yet so many ppl think it is important to be firm on their beliefs. and there is another balance, be firm.. be open minded. you have to be both! i just hope i stay sane through all of this, there's so much to think about, i'm happy i can just think outloud about them.. or on computer land here.

it's so strange though.. because through all the questioning, it all comes down to what you actually DO or don't do... and then you're measured up to that, or are you ever really measured up to that? because what defines your big action.. we're always acting. in drama class i always thought that was so funny.. that life was just some play created out of our own characters, and through dramas we can manipulate our natural reactions into specific scenerios to communicate something.. something with intention.

i think i'm being challenged to become, through different ppl in my life and the tasks at hand. is that a ligitimate way to grow? like... is going to church a ligitimate way to base your actions? some things just feel wrong to fight against, i won't even list my problems with christianity cause the argument is long and exhausting to think about right now. i just trust that people can and will choose what is best for their lives based on who they are and where they've been. that's all i can expect to see happen, and i'll be a part of the process in other peoples lives with the intention of discovering those things.. this is what i'd like to see of myself, because i don't especially like feeling judged and guilty, so i'd like to see other people without haughty judgment that is just unnecessary to us humans growing together to understand and better our lives.

this conversation could go on for a long time.. if you're reading, put in some input, you know.. if you're at all still interested in where this is leading, because it could change with your interaction, we're all so freaking important. i do trust that things happen for the better.. no matter what they are. i think that's about the only solid thing i got, that, and that i like music a lot. that's not saying too much for being firm on things. we all balance out eventually, maybe...

i'm not really asking for answers; just a different perspective, go for it.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

now or never

I wrote a graduation speech quite some time ago and I thought I'd share it with whoever reads my blog, because at one point it was meant to be shared, and I graduate today. Even though two other fine young ladies are giving their speeches today (both with whom I trust to do the job); there's at least a few nice things in this metaphorical approach to my graduation speech. hope you enjoy!

It’s difficult to visually capture the feeling of graduating. While our last days of class were last week, and we walked out of those doors for the last time as students, the last time we walked through those doors is not necessarily the last time we walk into the building. The interesting aspect of meriweather post pavilion is how open it is. There are no walls separating the stage from the outside; air just comes in and out as it pleases. And the breeze may carry a scent that triggers a memory for years after today, but there are no boundaries in the physicality of this pavilion, nor are there boundaries to encountering the people we’ve spent these years with. And there are no bounds to where we will go in the time ahead of us. Some of us may return to cheer on sports teams, visit teachers, encourage friends; some of us have new journeys that will lead us to other people, other buildings, other countries even.

Yet, right now we are here, over looking the life of high school graduate. The life of been-there learned-that. The life of, I haven’t been there. We’re kind of used to transitions, being the transitional first class to enter Reservoir High School after transitioning from middle school to high school. As we reflect, we may remember more names than test-scores, more faces than names, and more of whom those faces represent than what their physical attributes show. More than a memory is who each of us are on this day because of those people. Maybe because of these changes we have had to find ourselves and our beliefs and what we stand for.

We can look back and cry for the smiles we’ve been able to spark in one another; for the value of each person in this place. Each moment is monumental, and today is a first; a first walk across this stage; a first in the history of Reservoir High School’s graduating class; a first step out of our comfortable place at the top of high school; a first entrance into a world of possibility and promise. The first time we really have to say, “this is over.”

We lost registration to a former school. We lost the naivety of being freshman. We lost four years. We lost the presence of a wonderful loving teacher in our school. We lost friends. We may have felt like we lost ourselves in the process of some of these trying events and unchangeable realities. And yet we’re found today here together, under this open pavilion, with an open future. Amidst the loss of the past we have all won here today, together, making up a class filled with many different qualities, personalities, talents, and goals. This victory is proof that through trials and tribulations and irreplaceable memories, we can grow and learn from each of our very different experiences. This victory is one monumental part of a vast journey we have yet to experience. It is a journey filled with times we’d like to be able to capsulate and hold onto in an open world that has no bounds. So where will we go now that there are no walls housing our high school experience? The air is fresh outside, it gives life; it’s elements have survived time’s limits. May we simply breathe, let our curiosity lead us and let our memories reinforce our ability to continue to top the best days of our lives with each day ahead of us.

PS- 2005 rocks the house. BEACH TOMORROW! ahhh yes.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Its time to RELAX

recent events have proven that I no longer have to attend highschool! The free time I've experienced so far has lead me to chip's backyard for the best CHIPAPALOOZA ever, rachaels house just about every day, to the orion sound recording studio in baltimore to begin my CD (with most of the 25 hour fee paid for by the presale!), AHS graduation, work occasionally, and well... sleeping in and taking long naps to recover from this year of excitement and no sleep.

i was chillin in church this sunday listening to a sermon on contemplation. i guess what brought me to the sermon arena and not just youth group was that I was playing guitar and singing for the church this past sunday... which was lots of fun! the youth band came up together and we basically revived a bunch of old camp songs and had the congregation clapping little riffs inbetween chorus lines. so back to the service... after lots of talk about how americans are so freakin busy that they don't leave much time for silence and contemplation, and often avoid such moments like when you're driving and there's no radio on and some realities start to surface so you turn on the radio as a distractor. or how lots of ppl work so hard during hte day that they fall asleep as soon as their head hits the pillow, not leaving any time for those sometimes haunting thoughts that come so easily when lying awake in bed.

then he was just talking about how its really important to sit in silence and think and allow yourself to like, step outside of yourself and try to open yourself up long enough so that you're not just thinking ME ME ME ME all the time. so i was taking all this in, and of course he wanted to allow there ot be a little "practice time" of silence and contemplation. i let my shoulders relax (our shoulders are always tight until we consciously think about it and unclench the muscles), and closed my eyes. and nothing too amazing happened, but this feeling of relaxation just introduced itself to me and was like JUST RELAX. i was expecting condemnation in the church for the sins and the unworthiness of all people or something, but it was the complete opposite, so much that when i had fully grasped the idea of relaxing and enjoying myself this summer i opened my eyes to make sure i was still in church (sure enough ppl were still closing their eyes intently and praying). and i just sat there and smiled. so i graduate tomorrow, and rob and eun will be there (this makes me so happy, i love them and never see them anymore!) and on friday i'm leaving for beach week with people i love in a house that is:

"located on the canal that opens to the Big Assawoman Bay." now.. i'm wondering if this was a joke- big assawoman bay... it's writen on the house description.

and after that brittany's coming here from portland to hang out! which means... awesome times and many excuses to see DC and Baltimore and maybe NYC as well. if you know some place she should see while visiting the east coast for the first time for a week, let me know!

so basically, my summer is off to a wonderful start and i'm ready to enjoy the company of many fellow seniors during senior week, with guitar in hand much of the time. OH funny conversation... i was talking to this lady after church and she asked about graduation and then if i was going to beach week, and i was like yes i amm. and she said "i hope you're not going to be as crazy as i was when i went to ocean city" and i was like "Yeah i'll be careful" and then she said "yeah, be sure to wear sunscreen!" .... that's EXACTLY what i was worried about! we had a good laugh.

now i must go battle my dirty-laundry covered room and the hugeness of target for some decent white shoes and a white skirt/dress, with the few dollars left to my name.

PS-recording is so much fun! i'm being quite productive in there and i can't wait til the next session. looks like i'll be finished recording by the end of June, so hopefully all will be printed and ready in early July! Presale is still happening, let me know if you're interested in pre-buying the CD for $10. :)